
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. sensors_2024.png
    Study of Residual Stress Using Phased Array Ultrasonics in Ti-6AL-4V Wire-Arc Additively Manufactured Components
    Joseph Walker, Brandon Mills, Yashar Javadi, and 7 more authors
    Sensors, 2024


  1. IAC_2019.jpg
    Development and testing of an antenna deployment system for nanosatellite applications
    C. Malde, S. Gurumurthy, and R. Diwan
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress(IAC), Washington D.C., 2019
  2. AIAA_2019.jpg
    Dynamic Active Thermal Control of a LEO Nanosatellite Based on its Mode of Operation
    Sundar Gurumurthy, and Chintan Malde
    Proceedings of the 33rd AIAA-USU Smallsat conference, Logan, Utah, 2019