Sundar Gurumurthy

Somewhat knowledgeable on numerical simulations and a wannabe scientific programmer.

RA at WAMC, Cranfield Unviersity

I am a Research Assistant at the Welding and Additive Manufacturing Centre at Cranfield University, UK. My specialisation lies in the field of process modelling and simulations, specifically in the Finite Element Method (FEM). Apart from developing models, I have a keen interest in scientific computing, writing code for numerical solvers and mathematical modelling of materials.

Outside of work hours, I enjoy photography, playing retro games and contributing to open source. When it comes to reading, I prefer non-fiction. My music taste includes a little bit of everything but I am a big fan of metal, ambient and intelligent electronic music.


Jun 03, 2024 After successful submission of my MSc thesis for review, I have started working as a Research Assistant at Cranfield University.

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